Wednesday, June 28, 2006
June 27. Some higher seas last night rocked and rolled us a little, but no problem. I did a full day of classes today, which were quite engaging (Anthropology of Southeast Asia, Pacific Rim novels). Core had a first-rate presentation on the Chinese "one child" birth policies (woman from Cornell). Rest of the day dedicated to doing some reading, working on my own stuff, and trying to do some exercise.
One great thing is that I'm finding time to do my own work, something I didn't think was going to be possible; even the teaching faculty seems to have some time to themselves.
Tonight I had a dinner for the UVa students, just to meet them and get a sense of how the voyage is going; I ordered a birthday cake for one of them, which we all enjoyed, then shared with some of their friends.
There is a grumbling from some students and faculty about the reading load, but I just smile and nod my head. There IS a lot to do, given the time constraints, class schedules, and other activities, but the good students are taking it in stride. As usual, the UVa students arae full of wise suggestions and ways to make this even better next time around.
Side deck, mid-afternoon.

Tonight I had a dinner for the UVa students, just to meet them and get a sense of how the voyage is going; I ordered a birthday cake for one of them, which we all enjoyed, then shared with some of their friends.

Side deck, mid-afternoon.